Saturday, October 18, 2008

cerita lawak 3


Rumahtangga Minah dan Wahid selalu mengalami krisis. Tidak kira siang atau malam, mereka akan bertengkar. Setiap pertengkaran pastinya menggangu jiran tetangga.
"Kalau aku mati, aku akan menjadi hantu dan mengorek tanah di depanku untuk keluar mencekik engkau," terdengar pekikan si Wahid.
Jiran yang mendengar terkejut besar dengan ugutan si Wahid terhadap isterinya kerana diketahui Wahid mempunyai ilmu hitam yang sangat luar biasanya.
Beberapa hari berlalu. Wahid ditemui mati akibat mangsa langgar lari. Walaupun benci, tetapi sebagai isteri Minah tetap menguruskan pengebumian suaminya dengan baik.
Seminggu selepas itu, jiran tetangga amat kehairanan melihat Minah yang langsung tidak merasa takut dengan ugutan suaminya dahulu.
"Engkau tidak takut dengan sumpah suami kau dulu?" tanya jirannya.
"Tidak!" jawab Minah.
"Biarkan saja dia mengorek tanah. Aku dah tanam dia mengadap kebawah!"


Sengauuuu ke Sengallll

Seorang lelaki yang sengau naik ke sebuah bas lalu bertanya kepada pemandu bas
"Vang.. vas nih fegi hamfang ke...? " (bang, bas ni pergi ampang ke?).
Pemandu bas itu berdiam diri. Marah kerana tidak dilayan, lelaki sengau itu pun turun dari bas.
Seorang lelaki lain di belakang pemuda sengau tadi pun bertanya kepada pemandu bas itu.
"kenapa awak diam tadi? kesian dia..."
Pemandu itu pun menjawab: "Masham mana haya nak hawab.... haya hun hengau hugak.. hhanti hia hata haya hehek hia hulakk!!!... ....."(macam mana saya nak jawab.. saya pun sengau jugak.. nanti dia kata saya ejek dia pulak


Soalan Bodoh, Jawapan Bijak.

BOY : May I hold your hand?
GIRL : No thanks, it isn't heavy.

GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me!
BOY : You love me...

GIRL : If we become engaged will you give me a ring??
BOY : Sure, what's your phone number??

GIRL : I think the poorest people are the happiest.
BOY : Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple

GIRL : Darling, I want to dance like this forever.
BOY : Don't you ever want to improve??

BOY : I love you and I could die for you!
GIRL : How soon??

BOY : I would go to the end of the world for you!
GIRL : Yes, but would you stay there??

SHARON : Have you ever had a hot passionate, burning kiss??
TRACY : I did once. He'd forgotten to take the cigarette out of his mouth.

MAN : You remind me of the sea
.WOMAN : Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
MAN : NO, because you make me sick.

WIFE : You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other.
HUSBAND : You tell a woman something, It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.

MARY : John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do u think,Peter?
PETER : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.

Girlfriend : "...And are you sure you love me and no one else ?"
Boyfriend : "Dead Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday".

Teacher : "Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon?"
Pupil : "The moon".
Teacher : "Why?"
Pupil : "The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it".

Teacher : "What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?"
Pupil : "A teacher".

Waiter : "Would you like your coffee black?"
Customer : "What other colors do you have?"

sam "My father is so old that when he was in school, history was calledcurrent affairs".
Teacher : "Sam, you talk a lot !"
Sam : "It's a family tradition".
Teacher : "What do you mean?"
Sam : "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher".
Teacher : "What about your mother?"
Sam : "She's a woman".

Tom : "How should I convey the news to my father that I've failed?"
David : "You just send a telegram: Result declared, past year's performance repeated".

Teacher : "Now, children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him, what virtue would I be showing?"
Student : "Brotherly love".

Teacher : "Now, Sam, tell me frankly do you say prayers before eating?"
Sam : "No sir, I don't have to, my mom is a good cook".

Patient : "What are the chances of my recovering doctor?"
Doctor : "One hundred percent. Medical records show that nine out of ten people die of the disease you have. Yours is the tenth case I've treated. The others all died".

Teacher : " Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE?"
One Student : "Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day and at the same time."

Teacher : " George Washington not only chopped down his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it. Now do you know why his father didn't punish him ?"
One Student : " Because George still had the axe in is hand."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hai pakcik....lawak la jokes2 yg pakcik letak ni...make me smile all day long.....

